Anne Arundel Veterinary Emergency Clinic (AAVEC)

How To Transport Your Pet

How To Transport Your Injured Pet
If your pet is suffering from an emergency and requires critical care, transporting them to us can be tricky. Here are some tips for how to transport your pet in an emergency situation:
Drive carefully.
Handle your pet as gently as possible and as little as possible
Lay your pet on its side, if possible. If the pet seems to resent this or is having difficulty breathing in this position then leave them in a comfortable position of his or her choosing
If your pet cannot walk or is too weak to stand, gently wrap/slide your pet into a blanket, towel, or coat, or place your pet in a secure carrier
Place your pet in the back seat and, if possible, have someone ride in the back with them
If you have assistance, two people should lift your pet into your vehicle, supporting the head and the rear
Make sure to call us to let us know the situation and your estimated time of arrival so that we can prepare and be ready for you and your pet.